
Hey guys and gals,

Thank you for coming on my blog site. Just wanted to take the time to introduce myself and why I'm created this blog.

I was born and raised in southern hospitality of Virginia. Moved to DC for college education where I met my wife. I moved across country from East to West to continue my life with my wife. We are happily married for 6 years but been together for going on 10 years. We have two beautiful daughters together.

As we creating a life together, one of things that I struggle personally is finances. I admit that I am a spender and still working on it. I tend to enjoy my life in the NOW and not really worrying about the future. As I took on the role as a husband and father, my priority within finances has shifted.

One of the question that I got asked couple years ago was if you stopped working right now, how many days you can last with your current lifestyle? My answer was zero and that shook me to my core. I realized that it was time to take control my finances.

With this blog, I wanted to share my journey and knowledge with anyone who feels the same as I did. In the world of personal finances and investing, it can be overwhelming and confusing. With so many different strategies, terms, and concepts it can become a frustrating process if you don't have anyone to show you the ropes. This blog will discuss various topics from finance softwares, investing strategies, personal finances, how make money online, and many others.

So if you ever love money, and you want to start taking control of your finances, go ahead sign up to keep up with new blog post.

-DJ Everton-Lovell

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